Dienstag, 7. April 2009


Spring is here!!!

It is now official! Spring has reached Seattle since this weekend. Time to get the warm coats out - people will start turning on the airconditioning everywhere and it will rain extensively!

But for now, we are enjoying the fast that the SUN is out!

One of the greatest places to be right now in Seattle is right on the campus of the University of Washington. "The Quad" is an area surrounded by school buildings with nice patches of green and this time of year, blessed with the cherry blossoms!

Since the cherries bloom for only about two weeks, everyone and their grandmother tries to take advantage of it. The Quad becomes the Beach!

Students come to sit and read, to play frisbee with their friends, hang out, chat, burn their white bodies in the sun.

Some really do try to get the beach feeling going. Even if they have to climb trees for that.

Which is not that uncommon of an activity. Kamil enjoys a good read in a tree.

Although Hermina is a little more grounded...

Kamil and I oculd convince her to get up the trunk and so we took a couple of pictures in the bloom.

We hadn't had a chance to hang out like this in at least two months and climbing the cherry trees together was an awesome activity to get us back together and in tune!

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