Cultural Fest is a once-a-year event where international students present their country not only to their fellow students, but also to Middle School Children. This year, 300 school kids had come to take the opportunity of cherishing German chocolate, 
Polish sausages and witness martial arts presentations and Korean games.
That night, I myself was supposed to get some fun as well. Alanis Morrissette was playing at the Paramount Theatre downtown. Unfortunately, it was a disappointment, however.
The sound was bad and the instruments were mixed in way too loud so that her singing was barely audible. Alanis herself didn't give a good show either. Starting with "Uninvited" this was the feeling she gave us. The first 2/3 of the concert she ran to and fro on stage, shaking her head and long hair (which made the audience cheer) without apparent reason and looking like she didn't know what to do with herself on stage.
When the band left their first set of instruments and they moved to the front of the stage a little of the good ol' Alanis feeling came up. She sang her old songs and the concert was just about to get better when after 90 minutes she left the stage. Returning for two more songs and ending with "Thank you" she had barely left the stage again when the crew started taking apart the stage. The feeling being uninvited had never really left during the concert.
1 Kommentar:
Hey du,
kann Ähnliches berichten - Raphael und ich waren 2004 auch bei Alanis in Stuttgart und waren ziemlich enttäuscht, als sie nach 90 Minuten das Konzert beendete..
Dein Bericht über Obamas Sieg liest sich toll, hatte an jenem Abend völlig vergessen, dass die Wahl war und war dementsprechend überrascht am nächsten Tag, dass alles schon vorbei war und der nächste Präsident feststand :-) Das wäre vor Ort sicher nicht passiert :-)
Liebe Grüße, Rebecca
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