Unfortunately I can´t get my pictures online, but I promise I am taking plenty!
Our plan is to stay in Playa del Carmen for two days, then go to Tulúm, Cobá, Valladolidos and finally see Chichum Itza, the largest Mayan pyramid in Yucatan (and one of the seven new wonders of the world since last year).
Hasta luego!
Pablo" (20.12.2008)
Isla Mujeres is a beautiful secluded Island with a Carribean spirit. With Capitán Miguel, we rode along its shore, enjoying the true mañana spirit, snorcheling and enjoying BBQ fish.
After all that action, a stroll over the Island revealed more of its unique character. We were deep in another world, far away from worry and stress, enjoying the moment...
...and the Carribean Sea. Memories of reading The Old Man and the Sea occupied my mind. The bliss of escapism.
After our third day we left the Cancún area with its American tourists and went on to Playa del Carmen where the party was.
Although still very touristy, it seemed we were finally coming across some almost authentic Mexican culture...
... and the sweeter and more innocent sides of Mexican night life.
All the while, we were enjoying the original Mexican food. This was one of the particularly good street venders. And of course, everything comes with limes and salsa. Olé!
Tulúm was our entry into the "real" México away from mass consumerist tourism. The standard of accomodations went down considerably staying in town...
... but the Cabaña on the beach was much more comfortable and so we spent Christmas under palm trees by the ocean!
In fact, my fellow travelers liked the place so much that they would stay there for another week. Sort of fed up with beaches, I made my way into the country by myself:
"Christmas in a Cabaña at a beach with white sand? Don't believe it? Well, too bad. I'm doing it!
The real Christmas feeling hasn't quite kicked off yet... but since that hardly ever happens to me back at home, I'm not too surprised. The fact that my shirt is sticking to my body because I stumbled through this sauna they call "jungle" all morning doesn't really help either. But ancient Maya ruins for Christmas are no bad present at all! Better than snow storms in Seattle ;-). The plan for the next days is not quite fixed yet. We will see what haoppens... mañana :-))" (24.12.2008)