Only a couple of days until my next trip to Seattle. Meanwhile I'm trying to get all my work done here first AND continue settling into my new place. It is good to have a permanent place of residency again!
In that process I am having encounters with the past. I'll spare you all the letters, documents and memorabilia I have come across - but I want to leave you with some quick advice!
IF you go away for a significant time - don't think about keeping your spice collection, no matter how elaborate it is or how long it took you to collect it! Just throw it out or give it away, trust me, you don't want this kind of company ;)

As we are on the subject of "Mags", I am going to see Maggy, my old Seattle roomate when I'm over. She is moving to Costa Rica for a job - I'll find out if she has a blog, I'm expecting there will be looots and lots of awesome pictures!
So long, see you in Seattle ;)
Oh and while I'm gone, don't forget to let me know how I can make my portfolio ( better, so I can incorporate that when I come back with new pics from The Emerald City!